Project partners

Paula Montal School (ES)(Coordinator)

With more than 50 years of history, the Paula Montal is a private education and training centre located in Logroño (Spain). Through its new modern facilities built in 2013, the school offers education programmes on primary education, secondary education and several degrees on vocational education and training (administration and management studies, business and sales, nursery, pharmacy, etc.).


ASPECT – Management and Intercultural Relations is a private education and research organization that was founded in 2010 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The ASPECT-MIR portfolio comprises training, courses, seminars and meetings, specific projectmanagement and research in the field of Entrepreneurship, Human Resources Development, Corporate Strategy, SustainableTourism Development and Intercultural Relations.

Active Citizens Partnership (GR)

Active Citizens Partnership is an NGO based in North Eastern Greece and has office in Athens. We have extensive experience todesign and support programs that address contemporary training and social needs at national and European level. With theassistance of the State and the European Union have developed measures to prevent and tackle social problems and assistvulnerable groups

Eduplius (LT)

EDUPLIUS is a new NGO which has been established in 2016. The need of establishing such an organisation came from a desire tocreate stronger connections between young people and the world of enterprises by equipping young people with necessarycompetences for taking a lead and planning and running own initiatives. Despite the fact that NGO has just been established itinvolves experienced staff who has been working in youth training field for many years and collected necessary skills and knowledgeto run non formal activities.


WYŻSZA SZKOŁA BIZNESU I NAUK O ZDROWIU (WSBINOZ) is one of the first non-public higher education institutions in centralPoland that offers health-allied studies as well as business and pedagogy faculties. The world class school facility and an outstandingtraining atmosphere promoted by highly competent and most distinguished specialist, practitioners and academic teachersguarantee the unique and ambitious curriculum, theoretical knowledge and practical skills so desired in professional life.

Proandi - Consultores Associados, Lda (PT)

Proandi is a private VET in north of Portugal. It is situated in Póvoa de Varzim. Born in 2001 in Póvoa de Varzimas a providingexternal services for Safety and Health at Work. In 2006 start its operations in the market as a provider of consultancy in food safetyand hygiene services in order to comply with new legislation on hygiene and food safety. Vocational Education and Training is oneof the early pillars of Proandi. We are accredited by DGERT and your team is very multidisciplinary.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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