Time to prepare our first transnational meeting!

Posted on the 25/11/2017 – This has been a busy week for the project partners and especially for the coordination team of the Paula Montal. The project staff is currently working on the election, adaptation and design of the good practices that the Paula Montal school will share with the other project partners as hosting organisation of the first project transnational meeting (that will take place in December 2017 in Logroño, Spain).

Those days have also been used to work on the design of the project image that will be use along to project to create and edit all the outputs related to it. These materials include the project online website and also the Facebook page of EXPERTISE, a space that will allow to those interested on the project to follow its implementation and be updated about all the activities and results of the project. Follow us!

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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